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Prevention program looks to address student, family homelessness in Hillsborough County
ABC Action News | WFTS Tampa Bay HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — It’s an issue that happens more than some may think—students facing homelessness while trying to balance school. However, a new prevention program aims to help be the solution to the problem. Odalis Castellano has a full house, with three children in Hillsborough County Schools….
Experts say infant deaths from unsafe sleep are an epidemic
By: Erik Waxler ABC Action News TAMPA, Fla. — Baby Bellamy is ready for Halloween. She’s 11 months old, and Melissa Garitta said she is loving every bit of being a first-time mom. “Just watching those milestones. Seeing her grow from that first smile to those giggles, eating for the first time solid food to now…
Ayuda para familias con inestabilidad económica
T49 Telemundo Tampa Un nuevo programa de nombre “Caminos a la Esperanza” busca brindar apoyo a estudiantes y familias del condado Hillsborough. To read more, visit: Ayuda para familias con inestabilidad económica – Telemundo Tampa (49) (